
We are handling high-quality scrap.



CSR Activities

Introduced "CO2-free electricity" at some of our sales offices.
Report on "The First Conference on the Promotion of Women's Success"
1st Certificate Issuance Ceremony for Kitakyushu City SDGs Registration
Joined Declaration of Fukuoka Supporting Raising Children
Joined Declaration of Fukuoka Nursing Care Support
Joined Kitakyushu Nurturing Boss Alliance

SDGs Initiatives

CO2 reduction

・We strive to use fuel-efficient vehicles, such as company cars, in consideration of the environment.

・Actively introduce products that significantly reduce CO2 emissions.

Waste Reduction

・Strive to reuse and recycle resources in the factory.

・Strive to reduce the use of plastic materials that lead to marine pollution.

Supply Chain Management

・Strive to adopt non-VOC inks (Non-petroleum regenerated plant-derived).

・Work on constructing paperless system.

Technological improvement

・Strive to improve product quality by increasing the number of portable radiation detectors, and maintaining the gate-type detectors.

・We have built a system that can improve work efficiency and ensure safety of employees by adding remote functions of the press machine and adopting equipments such as container loaders, cutters and etc.

Product development

・Challenge to commercialize a new technology for plating removal.

・Increase the number of recyclable varieties, strive to reduce environmental impact, and further aim for a fully recycling-oriented society.

・Biomass toilets installed in several offices.

Labor Environment Improvement

・Four-day workweeks for some positions.

・Employees are encouraged to take paid leave on an hourly basis, in addition to one-day and half-day paid leave.

・Planning to establish an in-house compliance desk.

Gender equality

・Actively promote female managers.

・Employ foreign nationals and elderly people.

・Focusing on building internal relationships and mutual understanding and provides opportunities.

Harassment prevention

・Planning to establish a harassment consultation desk.

・Harassment prohibitions are stated in the employment regulations.

・Harassment training sessions are held for managerial post.

Health management

・Carrying out and managing annual checkups, and radio calisthenics every morning.

・As measures to stop the spread of the COVID-19, remote working, staggered working hours and staggered breaks in some departments.

・Antigen test kits are always available.

・Ensure separate smoking and non-smoking areas within the company. (A non-smoking area has been set up outside the company.)

Human Resource Development

・Adopted a qualification support system.

・Established a project team for educational and personnel evaluation system, and began carrying out our in-house training program.

Fraud prevention

・Thoroughly manage documents and implemented information security measures such as confidentiality.

・Strive to comply with laws and regulations by closely investigating various application and contract documents to ensuring that there is no missing wording.


・Establish an internal structure to promote the SDGs.

・Establish various project teams and aim for sustainable business management.

・Distribute SDG badges to employees to raise awareness.


For inquiries regarding the use and delivery of Onetap,
please contact us on our official line▼


1-101-2 Hibiki-cho, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka, 808-0021 Japan

TEL (+81)93-752-2112

FAX (+81)93-752-2113